It has been 7 years and 2 days since I started blogging. And lately I have been more than lazy with this blogging business, but today, I have great news! My new spinning book is out and to celebrate, there is a book and fiber club available! Scroll down for more info about clubs :)
Let's talk about the book. (Photos, crappy, I know.)
I signed the contract last fall and this winter was spent researching madly, writing compulsively and photographing until my hands hurt. But the end result is what I wanted: a clear, simple handbook for spinners of all levels.

I think it turned out rather pretty too. (I was adamant the layout is clear and pretty. And I like it, a lot!)
There are nearly 200 photographs in the book, and 130 of them are of techniques and tools. The first chapter introduces the spinner to short forward draw and longdraw using both a spindle and a spinning wheel. The first chapter is full of pictures, and my dear friend Heli was kind enough to shoot tech photos with me for days!

There is also a short introduction to fibers (which deserve a book in their own right to be frank). And finally a glossary of terms in English and Finnish.

I do hope the book is an answer to a real need: a modern introduction to spinning, from tools to fiber to colors. The last book about spinning in Finnish came out in 1983 and since then, there has been an avalanche of new techinques and materials. My book is not as thorough as I had hoped, but its nearly 200 pages is a start. Hopefully it will be the first of many spinning books to come!
Book and Fiber Club - choose "Book and Fiber" Option in the drop-down menu
Please note that there is a limited number of club packages available.
The book and fiber club is a one time offer, and once they're gone,
they're gone!
*1 signed copy of Kehrääjän käsikirja (Please note the book is entirely in Finnish)
*1 dose of the special Book Club Fiber (100g of 100% superwash Cheviot)
Club and Shipping options |
In Finnish:
Klubissa tulee mukana yllärivillaa (100% superwash Cheviotia) yllärivärissä + yksi kappale kirjaa omistuskirjoituksella. Muistathan laittaa huomautuksen, millä nimellä kirjaan nimi tulee. Muuten omistuskirjoitus osoitetaan ostajan nimelle. Jos et halua omistuskirjoitusta niin mainitse sekin huomautuksissa.
Klubeja on rajoitetusti, joten nopeat elävät :)
Just the book - choose "Just Book" Option in the drop-down menu
*1 signed copy of Kehrääjän käsikirja (Please note the book is entirely in Finnish)
Please write down the name of the recipient in the Notes to Seller box.
Otherwise, the book will be signed to the buyer. Also write down if you
do not wish to receive a signed copy. Also note that the book will be available through Knitlob's Lair in the future, but we received a limited number of books in the first shipment.
Tässä vaihtoehdossa tulee mukana vain kirja omistuskirjoituksella. Muistathan laittaa huomautuksen, millä nimellä kirjaan nimi tulee.
Muuten omistuskirjoitus osoitetaan ostajan nimelle. Jos et halua
omistuskirjoitusta niin mainitse sekin huomautuksissa.
Kirjoja tulee Luolaan myöhemminkin, tämä ensimmäinen erä on kovin pieni mutta lisää on tulossa :)
All packages will be shipped on Monday. |