Taa on siis MSN-pistoilijoiden swappiin viime viikolla valmistunut tyo. Keiju on helmikuun Cross Stitcherista Celandine Fairyn nimella kulkeva keiju. En ole varma kuuluuko DMC:n keijusarjaan, mutta soma on, siksi ostin lehden. (En tiia mika keijuvillitys on iskenyt. Varmaan kevatta rinnassa.)
Kangas on marinoitunut kaapissa ainakin 5 vuotta, mahdollisesti pidempaan. Kangas on jotain Sinooperin alekorista loytynytta vaaleansiniharmaata 28ct evenweavepuuvillaa, joka on etsinyt identiteettiaan pitkaan. Nyt siita tulee tyyny, ja tyynyyn erilaisia keijuja. Keijun koko on noin 18 cm x 13 cm, vareja taisi olla 30. Mukana oli myos DMC:n pastellisavyista metallilankaa (E746), ja muistin jalleen, miksi inhoan metallilankoja. Lehdessa oli tosin pateva niksi niiden kanssa tuherteluun, mutta silti se tuntuu niin kuin piikkilangalla pistelisi.
Keiju lahti matkalle Suomeen ja palaa kotiin mun syntymapaivan tienoilla, eli sitten uusintaotos kankaasta. Syksylla aloitettu RR (josta kirjoitin marraskuussa) on tulossa kotiin viikon, kahden sisalla, eli saatte siita pian kuvia. Yahoon pistoilijat on supernopeita, milla ihmeen ajalla ne pistelee noi niin nopeasti? (Eiku maa tiedan, ne ei neulo sukkia koko ajan.) Keiju on kolmas RR, jossa olen mukana. Syksyn RR oli ensimmainen, kevaalla alkoi toinen, jossa aiheeksi valkkasin koirat, mutta taa oli eka RR, josta muistin ottaa kuvan ennen maailmalle laittoa.
En laita tahan postiin kuvaa silta varalta, etta nekkis lukee blogia. Tuitun NMH100GL-vaihdossa (jolla on neulevaihdoista mielenkiintoisin nimi, ehdottomasti) tein nekkikselle tammoiset. Laitan niista lisaa juttua, kun tulee viestia etta ne on perilla. Eli sneak preview muille, detaljeja kun vaihtojuttu on perilla.
Not much to show, but it's something. I cleaned up the memory in my camera for tomorrow's excursion to the zoo (hey, I'm a busy homemaker!), and found a pic of this:

I finished this last week for MSN-Cross Stitchers' RR. The pattern is found in Feb issue of Cross Stitcher, called Celandine (sp?) Fairy. I'm not sure if it's one of the DMC Flower Fairies, but I liked it and decided to buy the mag. (I don't know what's it with all these fairies, must be the spring.)
The fabric is old, at least 5 years. I found this beautiful piece of 28ct light greyish blue evenweave cotton on sale, and I had no idea what to make of it until now. This is going to be a pillow, with different types of fairies. The fairy measures approx. 7 x 5 in., and was stitched with 30 colors, including Pearlescent Thread (E746) by DMC. I remembered why I hate them: it feels like stitching with barb wire. It does not make a difference if you use Thread Heaven or a witty little trick to make the thread stay in the needle eye, no. It takes forever, makes you go postal over a few stitches, and it does not even show. I should really toss all of that thread, I don't know why I keep it in my drawer.
So this fairy flew to Finland and should return home around my birthday in September, which is when you'll get a new pic of this fabric. I stitched one RR piece in November and it should come home to me shortly, so you'll get pics of it, too. The stitchers in Yahoo's Finnish cross-stitchers' group are amazingly fast. I don't know how they stitch everything so fast. (Wait, I do know. They do not knit socks all the time.) This fairy is my third RR, the one started in November was the first and I stitched one in January with dogs as my chosen theme. This is the first one I remembered to photograph before sending it on its way, though.
And I have something else to show, too. I'll only provide a link to the pic, in case nekkis reads my blog. For Tuitu's NMH100GL swap (comes from Knit Whatever You Like of 100 grams of Yarn) I made these for nekkis. I'll have the details and the pic published in the blog once they are with my exchange partner.f
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