Kirjakauppareissulta hyppasi mukaan monenlaista muutakin, mutta neulontaan liittyvia kirjoja nama:
En tuosta Folk Socksista ole vielakaan ihan varma, kannattiko se ostaa. No, jos tuntuu silta, senhan voi aina palauttaa. Nuo kaksi on ihan mielenkiintoisia, jos ei nyt muuten niin niissa on ihan kivasti neulonnan historiaa. Ja mallikuvioita, koitan joskus ainakin valttaa sita pyoran keksimista kovin moneen kertaan uudelleen :)
Olin kaukaa viisas ja tilasin kirjakauppaan lajan erilaisia neulekirjoja. Selasin ne lapi, ja seitsemasta vain nama 3 oli sellaisia, etta ne miellyttivat. No, oli siella viela se Nancy Bushin Vintage Socks (tms), jonka ajattelin hankkia, tosin Knitpicksista kun se on siella edullisempi. Mista puheen ollen, taidanpa menna tekemaan sen tilauksen pois alta :)
Neuleet ovat edistyneet hyvin vahan, Nalle-takin takakappale on kainaloissa (40,5cm), ja takana on jo 154 krs. Iisakinkirkko, etten sanoisi.
I still don't have much of cabin fever, I've been without a car a week today. The trip to Ikea saved me on Tuesday, and today I paid a little visit to our local Barnes&Noble, with the help of my friend. If I'm lucky, I'll get our car back tomorrow, and then I can go out and about my business on my own. Bothering your friends is stressing, although I'm most grateful to my friend! And if I've learned one thing about this incident, it is that fixing a car is very expensive, very time-consuming and reporting it is a lot of paperwork.
At the bookstore I found a lot of small treasures, but only 3 knitting-related books:
I'm still not sure of that Folk Socks, I'll return it if I don't find it handy still after 3 or 4 days.
The others are mighty interesting, if not for anything else, the history of knitting is rather fascinating. And also the patterns are handy.
I was very wise and ordered several knitting books to B&N. I browsed them through and only these 3 were books I found worth the money. Well, there was Nancy Bush's Vintage Socks but I'll get that at Knitpicks and save a good 30% there. Speaking of which, I think it's about time I put that Visa of mine into (more) good use!
My knits have gotten nowhere. The turquoise jacket back measures to the underarms now (16 in), and I've already knitted 154 rows for that. Talk about time-consuming there.
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