No Rant Today (Surprise!)

I noticed I have been using the Lair as a method of venting, and although being occasionally alright, it's not always pleasant, is it? So I grabbed my beloved once more, got out, and took photos. The sun was (and, this being San Diego, still is) shining, the sky was absolutely cloudless (better enjoy that now, see last post), the birds were singing and the spring is definitely in the air. It is coming, albeit somewhat slowly.
puuidea 1
Kevättä ilmassa, mieli kirkkaampi, menneet avautumiset takanapäin. Kamera kainalossa, auringonpaisteessa, tuliaisina pari näppäisyä. Takapihan puussa ei vielä ole lehtiä, mutta se on silti kaunis. Mie pistin tuohon alemmaks photoshopatun version samaisesta kuvasta, tästä saattaa tulla jotain vielä tulevaisuudessa.

Lately, I've been fascinated with trees. I loved to draw trees with chalk and pencil in high school, and I still love the graphic simplicity of trees. I use them as ideas for knits, and this photoshopped picture will probably become something later on. It means very much to me as this is one of the trees in our backyard.
puuidea 2
I am also fascinated by the beauty of flowers. I can't draw flowers, nor photograph them, but I love the colors and the wide range of shapes of flowers.

Mie tykkään kukista kanssa, vaikken varsinaisesti sisusta niillä, en osaa piirtää enkä kuvata niitä, mutta näin keväällä tosi moni kasvi kukkii kauniissa väreissä, joten värien vuoksi tämä PS3-henkinen näppäisy myös näkösille.
This picture is very PS3, so is this next one. Can you guess what this is (part of)?

Sopinee samaan teemaan tämäkin, arvannette mikä tämä on.
It's part of our broom*. I love the yellow color of it, it reminds me of fields of wheat in late summer.
* Also known as transportation. No, wait..

Son mein luuta, takapihalta. Minusta se kyllä näyttää vähän syyskesän vehnäpellolta, väri on jotenkin makea.

And speaking of PS3, this cardi which goes by the working title Li'l Red Ridin' Hood (the name brings Larry the Cable Guy to mind every time!), is almost finished. So I have pictures of the finished garment soon, very soon.

Pikku Punahilkan työnimellä kulkeva punainen villis on valmis ihan pian. Sitä odotellessa, pari näppäisyä maistiaisiksi. Nuo kulmat on parhautta, Lavold on nero!
red cardi 2
I especially love the corners. Elsebeth Lavold is a genius.
red cardi 1

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